This here picture is before we got the feet upon feet of snow!
There has been a lot going on in our lives since my last blog post!
I wish I can say that with all the adventures, new scenery, and new things to experience, everything is going great.
In the beginning, the thrill of a new location, new place, and even the bush part of Alaska made the emotions in check for a little while. Quickly, the reality started sinking in.
I had left my home, where my family and most of the people I have known my whole life were within a driving distance. I can say that YES, I have lived away from my parents home for awhile, but it's just not the same. When you truly leave your home, is when you leave state and start to build a life away from that home state.
Things weren't that great after this reality set in. I fell into a slump where I wasn't excited about going on adventures, I was not happy about the fact that I couldn't find a job right away, and I left the place where there were endless opportunities. I doubted myself and my abilities, I questioned what I was really doing in my life, because I wasn't in a good place. I wondered if I was good enough and worthy of everything that I had, thankful for the life I had already been given before this move. I didn't have the freedom to drive and go get something to eat, go to the grocery store and have endless options to buy for anything, wasn't able to just get in the car to get out of the house. I isolated myself by consuming my time in online window shopping and sometimes just spending for the sake of having something to buy. Things, just simply put, were not great.
I think back on these emotions, and it makes me regret not being more appreciative of the life that I had already lived. I was bitter towards those that were closest to me, I felt rage at something that I couldn't figure out.
Yes, I now have a job out here, and even in the midst of getting into the routine of working again, things are still just difficult. I wish I didn't interact with those whom I love with irritation and negativity. I wish I had seen how my engagement with others was negatively effective my relationships.
There comes a time in our life where we have to accept that we are vulnerable in every way. I have learned through the past 3 months that we tend to have large egos and our pride is over the charts. It's as hard to thing to swallow when one finally sees how selfish they truly were. How this selfishness affects everything around you, and it's not pretty!
In experiencing all of this, I have learned that there are just some things that are out of our control. There are times when you have tried everything, but there is only one option left, and it scares you to death. Life isn't always easy, but there is so much to be thankful for even at the end of a terrible day.
Welcome to the unattractive version of life when you come to a road block, sorry ladies and gents! On to better and happier things.

I've traveled quite a few places while being away, a couple of those places being Colorado, St. Louis, and New York.

Colorado - well, the mountains are most certainly beautiful and the mountains also make it difficult for a little tiny car to go up and down them! I didn't do much while in Colorado other than eat and sleep!

It was rather awesome and I enjoyed having nice weather because I knew that I would be coming back to quite cold weather. I was spoiled while in St. Louis, and going home would be a cold and bitter transition!

New York - I went back to New York to visit with my family since I wouldn't be visiting during the summer. I couldn't get enough pizza while I was there and had New York's glorious version of garlic pizza ALL the time!. Some places don't make the white garlic pizza, but in my personal opinion, that's the only way!

During the times I was back home, Aaron and I went out riding a few times. The first time was during Christmas break, when all the ice and snow has first started to accumulate.
Here is a picture of a chunk of ice that was pushed up on the shore. It may seem small, but check out the one with me standing next to it!
It's huge and these huge slabs of ice line the shore! It's amazing to see! This is one of the sunrises that I was able to witness while stepping out for lunch. At that time, the sun the was still rising around 1130am and setting around 4/5pm.
That has officially changed as we are gaining back our daylight hours! We now wake up at 730/8 am with the sun already up and shining, and it doesn't set until 1230/1 am. Soon enough we are only going to have no darkness at all!
There has been a few aurora's that I have missed, that from what I've heard, had the multiple colors in the pictures that you see of it. I am disappointed to have missed them, but it still comes out, so I'm hopeful that I may get to capture the multiple colors soon! If not, there is always next year!
The last ride Aaron and I went on, we drove to Teller, approximately 7 miles from Brevig.
During the winter, while the ice is ever so thick, is the only time that you can travel to Teller with an ATV. It takes about 30-40 minutes to get there. We planned to park and enjoy the beautiful teen weather we were getting that day, as the following week was to be chilly and close to negative temps again.
We boiled up some apple cider and went on our way. Forgetting that our thermal bottles keep things hot for 12 hours, we couldn't drink much of our cider because it was still boiling hot when we opened it. Leaving it open and in the snow for 10 minutes didn't help either. Here are a few pictures of the view from Teller.
This is Brevig from where we were sitting behind a large chunk of ice that allowed us to burrow down and avoid the sharp and bitter air. When we started getting chilly, we headed back home to warm up and finish our hot apple cider!
On to the pups!
You would think that I would learn from the past 5 years that any time I left my bedroom door open, some dog decides to go in, and lay on my bed. Nope, I didn't learn. I left my door open to warm up my room, and I walk in, not expecting anything abnormal, and boom (!), dog sprawled out in the middle of my bed!
Of course Anubis would jump up there and choose the comfort of my bed! He wagged his fluffy tail and bound out of the room like he just won a prize!

He will sit there and watch the entire village, watch the kids run by, and just simply sit until we require him to come back in. The snow pile is about 5 maybe 6 feet tall. He loves it!

After traveling to New York in the beginning of December, I came back to spend the holidays with Aaron and to experience the Inupiaq festivities. Little did Aaron and I know, we would receive a Christmas Miracle. An unexpected miracle as well!

Aaron and I are expecting a little munchkin!
This is the baby at 8 weeks!
I am 19 weeks, already in my second trimester, and we are adjusting to the changes that will come with having a baby. Below, you will find our registries, and details regarding a baby shower are TBD!
I hope you all have had a wonderful winter and are finally enjoying the spring warm up back in the Lower 48!
Tata for now!
*Winter IS Here....STILL*