Aaron also flew out of the village when we got snow on our mountain, and got some really awesome pictures of the other mountains with snow.

Here are a few pictures around here in the village!

Recently, I was asking a couple of the villagers about when you can see the Aurora. Well, I was told that you could already start seeing it, which of course I took action immediately!
Before moving on to the exciting Aurora, I want to mention a few of my feelings that I have been thinking about lately.
I have always dreamed of going to Alaska to see the "Northern Lights," to capture the magnificent beauty in a photo. Not one of those dreams allowed me to realize that I would have that opportunity so soon in my life. I didn't know that within months of us moving to Alaska, that I would witness the sight. Obviously, I knew that it would be present, but I didn't know that it would be right in my backyard so soon! Something that I dreamed of seeing, wishing to see, is now right in my hands! I LOVE this about Alaska. So many dreams, wishes, and wants have come true in the little time that we have been here!
Anyway, back to the exciting Aurora and away from my boring feelings!
I downloaded a free app that would keep track of the Aurora, but at first I didn't know how it worked. After exploring the app and getting some much needed information from a fellow student teacher, I finally figured it out. So, it seems as though I get notification from the app, but it's not nearly loud enough to wake me up.
So, the new routine is setting an alarm at 3:30AM, which is 7:30 AM EST, in the morning, and checking the app to find out what the percentage of seeing the Aurora is. Over the past few weeks, there has been two occasions that the Aurora has been active.
The first night that I saw the Aurora, I hadn't had time to explore with night photography, but you quickly learn when Lady Aurora is doing her dance!
I still have some tweaking to do for my settings, but here are some photos of the Aurora!
Bright and early Thursday morning was likely the most epic dance yet. It was swirling, shooting, dancing in lines, basically.....ABSOLUTELY stunning! Actually, come to think of it, it was even active that morning at 8:30 AM, 12:30 PM EST.
Here are a few photos that Aaron was able to capture of the Aurora last night!
If you are wondering about how the light situation works here, we are dark from about 8:30 PM and it starts getting light about 9AM. As mentioned before, we lose about 7 minutes of daylight a day. So each morning, Aaron and I wake up it's still dark out, and occasionally.....you wake up to see the Aurora at 3:30 AM, go back to sleep, and wake up to see it again!
So, Aaron and I have also tried a few more Eskimo foods since my last revealing.
Here is a picture of the few things we have tried. Gross looking, I KNOW(!), but some of those were better than others.
So from Left to Right, we have:
Black Meat - basically dried meat just stored in seal oil, so it tasted like jerky.
Seal Intestines - tasted like Escargot, with a little more of a hint of fish.
Seal Blubber - not my cup of tea! It was very fatty and chewy. Those who know me well, know that I do not like fat or things that are super chewy.
Needless to say, a few Eskimo's have stated that Aaron and I are more Eskimo than them because we tried and ate these few things.
So onto the daily update on the pups.

Eve has an addiction to her ball, obsession with water, and a new obsession with Destroyer the Lion. As you can see from the pictures, she lays with it. And surprisingly, hasn't chewed him to shreds! Usually, she would attempt to destroy anything that was fluffy or filled with stuffing. She hasn't with Destroyer, which makes me think that he was the Destroyer of her evil ways!
Zver is his typical feisty self! Here is a video of him squeaking the ball at a million squeezes a second!

Tink is doing well, and of course is spoiled rotten! Here is a video of her being her prairie dog self! And a few pictures of her sleeping soundly!
Anubis puts his ear up more often than not now, which means our theory may be true!
These hooligans haven't gotten into anything recently, so they have been good pups!
It's getting colder by the day here, we had a high of 37 today. We are predicted to get a low of 20's at night this weekend, which makes me think that we will have our first snowfall shortly! I'm excited about this, but also dreading it as well!
Hope you enjoyed the quick pit-stop!
*Winter IS Coming!*
The Aurora is simply breathtaking. I was asking Harold if you would be able to see the northern lights. All the scenery is beautiful. I miss you all so much. Thank so much for keeping us updated on what has been going on. I love you guys. Give fur babies a hug for me.
ReplyDeleteIt is breathtaking, in person it's so much more amazing! Miss you all too, love you! Hugs given!